Traditional Chinese | Christmas Chinese Learning Activities | Chinese Christmas Activities for Kids


This Chinese thematic unit is perfect for your Chinese learners to learn about Christmas! This bundle includes 10 learning resources to help students learn Chinese through different subjects such as reading, science, math, and art.

Students will learn the Chinese vocabulary of Christmas things (symbols and activities), learn about preposition words in Chinese to describe the location of people and things, use five senses to describe Christmas, read and write about what people do on Christmas, and practice counting from 1 to 10. Super fun and hands-on Christmas crafts are included, too.

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This Chinese thematic unit is perfect for your Chinese learners to learn about Christmas! This bundle includes 10 learning resources to help students learn Chinese through different subjects such as reading, science, math, and art.

Students will learn the Chinese vocabulary of Christmas things (symbols and activities), learn about preposition words in Chinese to describe the location of people and things, use five senses to describe Christmas, read and write about what people do on Christmas, and practice counting from 1 to 10. Super fun and hands-on Christmas crafts are included, too.

This Chinese thematic unit is perfect for your Chinese learners to learn about Christmas! This bundle includes 10 learning resources to help students learn Chinese through different subjects such as reading, science, math, and art.

Students will learn the Chinese vocabulary of Christmas things (symbols and activities), learn about preposition words in Chinese to describe the location of people and things, use five senses to describe Christmas, read and write about what people do on Christmas, and practice counting from 1 to 10. Super fun and hands-on Christmas crafts are included, too.

What is included:

  • Christmas Words Write the Room - 這是一個讓孩子可以一邊活動一邊練習聖誕節詞彙的有趣小遊戲。老師將詞彙卡片貼在教室不同的地方,孩子根據圖片來找到對應的詞彙並記錄下來。

  • Christmas Activities 聖誕節活動 - 孩子們將從書中學到我們在聖誕節做哪些有趣的活動,並寫一寫自己如何度過感恩節的一天。

  • Christmas Five Senses 我用五種感官慶祝聖誕節 - 孩子們將通過閱讀小書和有趣的互動小遊戲學到如何用五種感官描述聖誕節。

  • Christmas Numbers 1-10 聖誕節數一數一到十 - 孩子們將閱讀數字小書,在練習數數的同時學習聖誕節的詞彙。

  • Where is Santa? 聖誕節方位詞 - 孩子們將學習中文的介詞/方位詞,並練習使用這些方位詞來描述人或物的位置。

  • Different Colors in Christmas 聖誕節的顏色 - 孩子們將閱讀顏色小書,並完成有趣的藝術創作。

  • 2D Shapes in Christmas 聖誕節形狀 - 孩子們將從書本中學習到在聖誕節他們能看到的不同物件,和這些物件是什麼形狀的。

  • Christmas Crafts and Games 聖誕手工 - 孩子們會動手製作各色簡單並好看的手工作品,一邊做一邊學聖誕相關詞彙。

  • Christmas Cards and Letters 聖誕節的卡片的信 - 孩子們會製作聖誕卡片,並練習寫信給親人,朋友和聖誕老人。

  • Christmas Chinese Reading Passages 聖誕節小短文 - 孩子們會閱讀不同體裁的聖誕節中文小短文,並回答閱讀理解問題。

*Buy this bundle and save more than 20%!

**This resource is in traditional Chinese only.

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