Traditional Chinese | Level of Understanding Chinese Classroom Posters 你聽懂了嗎?


The levels of understanding posters show the descriptions of different levels with smiley faces. The smiley faces create a visual and help younger learners understand the different levels of understanding. The posters are great tools for your students to reflect on and assess their learning after they learn a new strategy or complete a task independently.

Students will be held accountable for their learning by using these self-assessment posters. In addition, these levels of understanding posters help cultivate a growth mindset in your classroom, as students see their improvement in the levels.

‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

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The levels of understanding posters show the descriptions of different levels with smiley faces. The smiley faces create a visual and help younger learners understand the different levels of understanding. The posters are great tools for your students to reflect on and assess their learning after they learn a new strategy or complete a task independently.

Students will be held accountable for their learning by using these self-assessment posters. In addition, these levels of understanding posters help cultivate a growth mindset in your classroom, as students see their improvement in the levels.

‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

The levels of understanding posters show the descriptions of different levels with smiley faces. The smiley faces create a visual and help younger learners understand the different levels of understanding. The posters are great tools for your students to reflect on and assess their learning after they learn a new strategy or complete a task independently.

Students will be held accountable for their learning by using these self-assessment posters. In addition, these levels of understanding posters help cultivate a growth mindset in your classroom, as students see their improvement in the levels.

‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

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